Springs inside the distinctive wheels compress as the rider encounters rough terrain Mr Pearce, who usually designs parts for pushchairs and other vehicles, has spent four years perfecting the idea.
SoftWheel also claims that this movement measurably decrease the energy lost from suspension movement. Their simulated track testing equated these gains to 16.4% extra energy that was not lost in a traditional suspension system. That of course means saving energy for the rider, and results in faster rolling. We’ve seen conceptually similar solutions like the carbon leaf Loop Wheels without damping, and even a smaller amount of suspension built into Gokiso’s hubs, but these Fluent wheels are certainly more tech-heavy.
Diamondback Bicycles Overdrive Hardtail Mountain Bike with 27.5" Wheels, 18"/Medium, Red
UnusedIn its original packaging (with the tags)In a resaleable conditionWith its proof of purchaseYou’ll also need to return any free items that came with the product.
Loopwheels give you a smoother ride. They are more comfortable than standard wheels: the carbon springs absorb tiring vibration, as well as bumps and shocks. They’re designed for everyday use and are strong and durable. They don’t run as true as a spoked wheel, and you’ll notice more sideways movement, especially in the Loopwheels Classic, but they’re a lot more comfortable.
Currently, Loopwheels is collecting pledges on Kickstarter to raise funding. Available pledges to reserve a wheel starts at £195.
Most of our competitors spend a fortune on advertising and other frills. We on the other hand began our journey by creating the world’s largest gallery of vehicles with custom wheels installed. We have continued this mission of “giving people what they want” by launching Fitment Industries TV on YouTube. Instead of paying mega dollars to “entice” customers into buying our products, we simply share our knowledge and have created a community with our gallery for enthusiasts to share knowledge with each other. In turn it makes it easy for customers to know who to choose when it’s time to buy! This means we spend very little money, and only our time, and pass on all that savings to you all in our prices!
OK, after pouring through much of the other thread, I felt I spent so much time looking at setups that weren't relevant to what I was looking to do...which is stay on stock suspension. So this thread is dedicated to Aftermarket wheels on stock suspension. *List wheel make and model with offset and width as well as tire make/model/size. *Try to take pics showing "poke." That means refrain from turning the front wheels for the pics. Keep 'em pointed straight and try to get some shots down the side of the car that will help others make a decision. *If you've rolled, pulled fenders and/or used the slotted strut mounts for more tire/fender clearance that is ok, just let us know when you post your setup.
If you don't mind...what are the full specs of your wheels/tires? I'm just wondering because I have the X model and I know the widths and everything will be slightly different and no staggering for me. I think your setup looks great considering no drop, but I don't know how it would compare to an X model with no staggering or spacers etc.
I bought a pair of loop wheels a couple a years ago, unless they have improved, i found they bend from side to side. After spending a lot of money on them, i returned to my spocked wheels. So far there is nothing to beat the spocked tried and most successful design. the best suspension i found is seat post suspension and front faulk suspension.
Vibration is higher on rougher surfaces and at higher speeds, for example when using a hand bike attachment off-road. Who can benefit from Loopwheels? A smoother and more comfortable ride Alleviating pain Increase Mobility Spend more time with friends Does it fit?
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Vibration is higher on rougher surfaces and at higher speeds, for example when using a hand bike attachment off-road. Who can benefit from Loopwheels? A smoother and more comfortable ride Alleviating pain Increase Mobility Spend more time with friends Does it fit?
Looks great...thanks! Those are very clear, telling pics...no fear about getting 20" wheels now. I appreciate it. Not to mention the tires are significantly cheaper than 19's. What I was referring to before was a generalization with 19" wheels as opposed to your concern of having 20". When it comes to how a car looks with aftermarket wheels, it really depends on a combination of the offset, size and width. A combination of the three as compared with stock specs will either give you more positive or negative camber and therefore can change the wheel gap. Before you make your purchase, I recommend learning how the dimensions of your setup will change based on the wheels that you want. This will give you a better understanding of their affect on your wheel gap. The pics i've seen so far have been fine so I doubt there will be a huge change but nonetheless, your best bet would be finding a picture of a stock suspension car with the same sized wheels and offsets that you want.
The Loopwheel works using three heavy duty springs instead of spokes. When the rider hits a bump, the springs compress to give a smooth ride
Loopwheel springs are made from a carbon composite material, carefully developed and tested to give optimum compression and lateral stability as well as strength and durability. Specially-designed connectors attach the springs to the hub and rim. The three loops in each wheel work together as a self-correcting system. This spring system between the hub and the rim of the wheel provides suspension that constantly adjusts to uneven terrain – cushioning the rider from bumps and potholes in the road. In effect, the hub floats within the rim, adjusting constantly as shocks from an uneven road hit the rim of the wheel. The spring configuration allows the torque to be transferred smoothly between the hub and the rim.
The steering and suspension systems are important for both your safety and comfort when driving as they ensure a smooth ride as your car travels over bumpy roads. The two systems are usually talked about together as they are directly related to each other. However, what does each system do? When do you need to check these important systems? And, how can you tell if either system is damaged in some way?